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Dev Update #1

This week we start the development of our first robot project, temporally named "ddbot", which is a ground robot with differential-drive kinematics. This robot is going to be our first product and also serves as a testbed for subsequent development.

Progress: what we have done this week is to design and build up the first layer of chassis for the robot, as shown below. first layer of ddbot chassis

We 3D print the base to support the battery, motors, and connectors. Right now the 1800mAh LIPO battery is used and we will see if it can last long enough for the applications. DC gearbox motors are used. Two main wheels and one universal caster wheel (in the front, below the base) are used for differential drive mode.

Plan: for the next week, we try to set up the second layer of the chassis, adding the motor control board and an MCU for low-level control. Stay tuned...